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Check out our FALL CLASSES!


Tsunami Circus

Our youth performance troupe for kids aged 12+.  

This is an intermediate to advanced level class designed to create an annual circus production for the public audience. Participants will be able to choose their specialty area/s, which may include silk, trapeze (dance and static, single and double), lyra (single and double point), hammock (single and double, static and dynamic materials), cube, German Wheel, partner/group acro, contortion, props, unicycle, and any other creation that students can come up with. Participants will co-create their choreography, develop performance skills and engage with all aspects of circus shows from rigging to stage, makeup and costumes. Prerequisites include previous experience in aerial arts, a high fitness level, and an attitude that is supportive of others. 

Tsunami Circus runs through the winter term (January-April) in preparation for the annual show in May. 

Application details will be posted in Fall 2024.



Tsunami Juniors

Tsunami Juniors is a circus performance troupe for kids aged 7-11.  Youth who have participated in Salt Spring Circus and Gymnastics programs are eligible to apply.
The Tsunami Juniors program will be focused on fun, team-building, skill-building, and preparation for the final performance.  Activities will include ground-based skills such as juggling, flagging, poi and other props, acro, hoop and clowning.  Aerial apparatus such as hammocks, silks, lyra and trapeze may be used in this program, however they are not the primary focus.   Students will work on a variety of circus and performance skills, including choreographing, rhythm and tempo, story telling through the apparatus and connecting with the audience.  They will learn to use circus apparatus/gear as tools to further their performance skills in preparation for the show.
Tsunami Juniors will train during the winter term (January-April) and will contribute a piece to the annual Tsunami Circus show in May.  
Application details will be posted in Fall 2024.