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Financial Aid

We understand that  sports can be a big investment in your child. The good news is that you may qualify for financial assistance.

Kidsport, Jumpstart and Athletics4Kids will provide funding to eligible families.  The amount available varies from organization to organization- please research this before submitting your application, as parents are responsible for providing payment to SSCG should adequate funding not be granted by a funding agency.

When you apply for funding, please be aware you will be required to submit information from your tax return and other documentation including your invoice from SSCG.  You will need to have these documents available at the time of application. You may be required to go through a phone interview before funding is approved.  

Families are responsible for paying the registration fees and the GYMBC membership fee to SSCG with 48 hours (2 days) of registering.  When we receive funding from an agency, we will refund you the amount they provide us, via etransfer. 

Failure to provide payment to SSCG within 48 hours (2 days) of registering may result in the spot being given to the next child on the waitlist.

If this poses a financial hardship to you, please reach out via email to discuss an alternative payment schedule.

Families are responsible for payment should funding be denied.  Families are responsible for the outstanding balance if the amount of funding granted does not cover the invoice total.

Please follow these steps when applying for funding support from funding agencies:

1.  Register and pay via credit card or etransfer for your child's gymnastics/circus class at

2.  Apply immediately for Kidsport/Jumpstart/A4K.

3.  Provide your application confirmation number to us at

3.   The funding provider sends funds directly to the club.  When funds are received, we will refund the amount of funding we receive directly to the email used for registration.

If you have questions, please ask!