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The APPLICATION for Tsunami Circus & Tsunami Juniors is open.  Due date is Nov 16.


Tovel Boucher

Props Coach

Tovel is a movement practice enthusiast and has deepened in many disciplines for over 25 years.
His foundation started at age 6 in karate. Through his teens he was assistant instructor under Sensei Mike Puckett and at age 16 was promoted to black belt.
At age 11 he started making and selling juggling props at the Salt Spring Saturday market. This was the begging of an extensive career in juggling entrepreneurship. This journey has seen many chapters including artisanal prop production, deep practice, performance and teaching in various environments such as festivals, markets, schools, municipal events, workshops and street shows. Officially Tovel’s specialty is triple staff juggling and has trained many circus props.
Tovel is also a passionate about dance, particularly contact improvisation dance and Qi gong, both of witch he has studied now for 8 years.
Tovel is constantly pulling in and combining gems from the various disciplines he studies to support both his practice and his offering as a teacher. For example, breath and stances learned in Qi gong support juggling clarity, the power of martial arts is key for precise circus work and the embodiment of dance allows the clown to emerge.
Tovel also just completed a diploma in acupuncture as part of his curiosity of the human body and its capacities.